The Forbes Lab stands in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter. It is critical that we evaluate our own racial biases and educate ourselves about American institutional racism. It is imperative that those of us with the privilege to do so use our positions to engender change.
Current research in the lab focuses on:
1) Coevolution / cospeciation of parasitic wasps and their host insects
2) The role of ecology in the evolution of reproductive isolation
3) Genomic consequences of transitions to asexuality in Hymenoptera
4) Describing patterns of insect diversity
Our research has been featured in The New York Times, Science, The Independent (UK), New Scientist, Fox News, Smithsonian Magazine, The Atlantic, NPR's Weekend Edition (audio), and the Short Wave podcast.
We strongly value undergraduate and graduate research - email Dr. Forbes or other current lab members to inquire about research openings; interest in insect biodiversity / natural history / evolutionary ecology is a plus, but not a requirement!
The Forbes Lab
Department of Biology
434 Biology Building
Iowa CIty, IA 52242
(319) 335-1086 (lab)
(319) 335-3006 (Forbes office)